4 Common Intellectual Property Pitfalls for a New Website


Any owner of a website can copy or steal ideas, even if it does so involuntarily. A modest investment in a research, before the launch of the website, can protect the proprietor from getting into unpleasant situations and avoiding common pitfalls. Let’s see the 4 pitfalls we evaluated together with Cosmovici Intellectual Property.

 Using content that doesn’t belong to you

If you use content from the internet, there is a chance that the copyright owners charge for the use of their property. For example, Getty Image protects its author rights by sending letters to all who are suspected to use their images as material.

Make sure you have original content or have a license with the right to use someone’s material. Never copy and paste images and texts from the Internet without permission. A very important point is the use of names to promote your business. It is also an infringement of advertising rights, and owners can appeal to the court.


Do not make sure the domain is valid

When you apply to register a domain name, you may be experiencing the following issues. Your domain name is already taken or otherwise, you pay a big amount of money to find out that this domain is not available in your country.

Make sure the domain is available in your country in advance, and do not disclose the Web Site name before its launching.


Set a name that cannot be protected

In some cases, the trademark cannot be registered because there is already a similar or almost similar name. This is why it gets confused for suppliers, buyers, or businesses that will work together. Clearly, it is recommended that you select a name, and register it as a trademark. A federal registration gives priority to your trademark and does not register brands with similar names.


Trademark infringement

You have selected a specific name for your company and registered it. While you are doing business, you are contacted by a company that tells you that you have infringement trademark rights, using their name in the same way or with some unsignificat changes. Are you rebranding or hiring an attorney for defending your rights at the court?

To avoid such a classic scene it is good to do a research to be 100% sure that there is no company registered with me the same or almost identical name.

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