Latest News


Changing the innovation trends

Recently we have managed to submit at European level (Switzerland being included), a new design, which outlines a specially designed device, namely a Liquid composition dispenser. This will represent, as we believe, a reference point in the field of Sanitary fluid dispensers.Learn More

We are looking for a Junior Associate – legal advisor / lawyer

THE IDEAL CANDIDATE ·       training as a counsel, with at least 2 years of experience in the legal field, ideally in the area of ​​intellectual property; ·       writing skills and coherence in argumentation, accuracy in solving various legal problems; ·       structured, efficient thinking and developed skills for prioritizing daily tasks within the legal deadlines; ·       organizational skills, communication (in […]Learn More

Even with similar brands, you can differentiate yourself in the market

We have succeeded in closing a risky conflict raised between our Client, an important manufacturer and seller of disinfectants, wet wipes and other sanitizing products and a renowned/notorious brand from the beauty and fashion area. After a period of about 5 months of intense negotiations, we closed the conflicts (oppositions) and succeeded in arranging a […]Learn More

The link between IP and branding

Recently, one of our projects involved one of our clients in the FMCG industry. Regarding this, we advised them on the whole branding process, protection strategies, territoriality and compliance with labeling regulations, in relation to the new products and recipe platforms they intend to launch. The whole procedure was held in front of the WIPO.Learn More

IP Strategy for the Romanian Royal Family

We have discussed with the representatives of the Romanian Royal Family, the conversation having as finality the preparation of an adequate intellectual property strategy. Through it they will be able to obtain protection for the products and services of interest from Nice Classes 16, 30, 32, 33, 35 and 41. During the discussion we offered […]Learn More

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