Marketing & PR Specialist

Laura joined our team as a Marketing and PR specialist and she is responsible with our company’s image, by coordinating and implementing communication and marketing activities.

She spent over 6 years in a Big 4 consultancy firm taking on different roles in fields such as internal compliance, quality and risk management and forensics.

She always regarded responsibility and commitment as the foundation of every successful career, and she strongly believes that reaching full potential cannot be achieved unless one is living his/her purpose.

Thus, in order to pursue her passion and dreams she left her position within the Big 4 company in 2021 and chose another challenge in the marketing field.

The time spent as a marketing and PR specialist strengthened her conviction that she possesses the right skills for the industry, being highly motivated and dedicated towards delivering excellence, but also made her realize that she is ready to operate at the next level, in an environment that provides the right tailwinds for team performance but at the same time nourishing individual initiative and accountability.

She graduated from a renowned University of Science and Letters and is holding a degree in Applied Modern Languages.

Interests & Passions: photography, travelling and spending time with friends and close ones.

Specialized in
Content Creation
Communication and PR
Social Media
Phone: +40318281130
Fax: +40372875543


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